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Color Rich Logo

Logo Animation

Client: Color Rich

CR (White) .png
CR (Colorful) .png


Blue Violet


Medium Slate Blue


Deep Pink




tu-tu-QZGQO3NvsLo-unsplash copy.jpg

Color Rich is a clothing brand based in LA, with a focus on bringing joy and fresh style. Their mission is to bring colors and life to their customers, while emphasizing that no one is separated by their skin color. They believe in unity and consider ourselves one big family.


I have designed a logo that is easy to read, stylish, and, of course, colorful. The vivid colors in the logo represent the joy and happiness our brand embodies. The animation I have created includes various geometric shapes that consistently merge into a circle. This conveys the message that we are all connected, and no matter how far we may drift apart, we

always come back to one another. The animation style is cartoon-like, with bouncy movements, which adds a sense of fun and excitement.

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